The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina i Sarajevo

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Bosnien-HercegovinaThe National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina



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3, Zmaja od Bosne, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 668-027
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Latitude: 43.8550257, Longitude: 18.4026227

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sadeta Gergić


    An excellent museum with a selection of things spanning the ages. The highlight for me, though, was the upstairs; there are several reconstructed rooms from the Ottoman era in the nineteenth century, with furniture and fittings from Sarajevo houses of that era. It is brought to life with mannequins wearing authentic clothes from the period, making it a much more immersive experience.

  • M.O.I. Inspector

    M.O.I. Inspector


    The best museum you can visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It's has 4 buildings - bosnian history and archeology, etnology, a building for a natural scienses and great national library. Also it has big botanical garden situated between theese 4 buildings.

  • en

    Sarah Radford


    Neat museum of Bosnian history and culture. Unfortunately the Haggadah was in a room that was being renovated while we were there so we could only see it through darkened glass.

  • Matej Graj

    Matej Graj


    The richest museum in sarajevo. Mb youve seen 80% of it somewhere else but the 20% you didnt.

  • Dominique Nicodeme

    Dominique Nicodeme


    Great collection of Roman artifacts and history of Bosnia. The museum is divided into three parts; historical, ethnological and natural history. The Roman part is bilingual with a summarised explication of what is, the other parts are only in Bosnian language which is a pity. In the middle between the 4 buildings (the fourth is a library non accessible for public) is a nice botanical garden. Entrance fee is 6KM (3€) and worth it. There's no locker room so don't take what you don't wish to carry for the duration of the visit which is a good 2 hours. No pictures allowed inside.

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