Museum Sarajevo 1878-1918 i Sarajevo

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Bosnien-HercegovinaMuseum Sarajevo 1878-1918



🕗 åbningstider

1, Zelenih beretki, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 533-288
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8579148, Longitude: 18.4289485

kommentar 5

  • Esned Nezic

    Esned Nezic


    i definitely expected more...the exhibition is too small for the price you pay (4 KM), the presentation has insufficient information and is outdated

  • en

    Danijel Knezevic


    Nice and small museum consisting of only one room, but there is a lot of history in that room, so because the ticket is cheap it is worth visiting, and learning some valuable info about the city and country.

  • Ann Webber

    Ann Webber


    As mentioned this museum is a single room no significant items of interest. Most of the display cases contain objects which set the scene for the period - watches, hand crafts, clothing, etc - but very little about the context of the assassination or the players. There is a bit of footage on a small screen and another flat touch screen, which may have more info but as it’s the only thing which might, someone else was using it with another person waiting and we didn’t wait. We tried to walk the room again but it just didn’t have enough to hold us. You’re far better off looking at the photographs on the walls outside. A big disappointment.

  • Keluarga Pelancong

    Keluarga Pelancong


    The building was right behind the spot where Gravillo Princip stood when he shot Franz Ferdinand and his wife during their visit in Sarajevo. The museum itself is not so big. The collections were packed in a room. Some depicted the Bosnian life during Austrian occupation.

  • en

    Boris Tomic


    Museum is a single room dedicated to assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie which triggered WWI. Entrance is cheap, staff is helpful and besides the main theme of museum you can see history of Sarajevo during various periods with interactive screen.

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