Brusa bezistan i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaBrusa bezistan



🕗 åbningstider

10, Abadžiluk, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 239-590
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8588077, Longitude: 18.4306555

kommentar 5

  • Ibrahim Khalil

    Ibrahim Khalil


    A very nice covered market with an old ottoman style. all shops inside it have cheap price products specially bosnian gifts. only comment is that it needs a little bit more care from the govermnent.

  • Ramlee Tamin

    Ramlee Tamin


    A small Turkish bazaar with similar goods from the main bazaar outside. It is much cleaner here and it is not crowded.

  • Nebojša Regoje

    Nebojša Regoje


    Nice building from Othoman's times, but as a museum does not offer much.

  • Danijel Hrvaćanin

    Danijel Hrvaćanin


    They renovated the place. It is in the "turkish" part of the old town. People are selling some nice stuff, but I think the most souvenirs are a bit overpriced. Some sellers are willing to negotiate, but most of them stick to their original prices. Most of the stuff are resold and are not actually made by people who sell them. We found just one lady, who according to her telling, they are making their own jewelry and they even look nice and unique. It is nice to visit this place, but not a must.

  • Krisztián Galvácsy

    Krisztián Galvácsy


    Increadible place. Greate atmosphere. According to guides virtually unchanged. Some good shopping opportunities as well.

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