Pansion Stari Grad i Sarajevo

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Bosnien-HercegovinaPansion Stari Grad


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29A, Sagrdžije, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 239-898
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8608054, Longitude: 18.431

kommentar 5

  • Marina Skocigoric

    Marina Skocigoric


    The best place to stay and would highly recommend it! The staff was very friendly, room spacious, parking secured and only to cross the road to the centre.. We expected it to be a slightly noisy due to location, but again I was surpised how well insulated it is. Price-excellent! Feeling sorry for not staying in lovely Sarajevo for few more days. Best regards and Big Thanks again, looking forward to seeing you again! M&R

  • Apheli



    Excellent price, facilities, service and well situated 3 minutes walk away from the old town in Sarajevo

  • en

    Carla Joosse


    We stayed here several times, the hospitality is great. Very pleasant people. Perfect location situated near the old bazar. For sure at our next visit to Sarajevo we stay here again.

  • elis Hadzihasanovic

    elis Hadzihasanovic


    10/10 hospitality, location, comfort,parking!!!!

  • Dinka Gojun

    Dinka Gojun


    The hotel is right in the centre of Sarajevo. Rooms are amazing, but even more amazing is the hospitality. It is truly a hotel experience like no other I have had before. When it came to leaving, I had tears in my eyes. All I have to say at the end is that it honestly felt like home. Definitely recommend it and I am returning soon because it was incredible.

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