Guesthouse Kevser i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaGuesthouse Kevser


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Nova Mahala, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.866321, Longitude: 18.4351963

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paulina Michalak


    The owner and his friends threatened me, they called me names, because I gave them a rating of 8,3/10!!! Do not go there if you are a female traveller!

  • en

    Michelle L.


    Great owners. You can really tell that they care about their place and want to make it as comfortable as possible for their guest. Very clean. It's not easy to find though but it took us just 5-10min more to locate it. It has a lovely view and the city center is just a matter of a 5minite walk.

  • 김은선



    The host is nice and kindly helps us always! The room is very clean and fresh. The night view is fantastic! There is nothing to complain

  • lili liu

    lili liu


    While we're looking for this place, I kept asking my husband 'what kind of place you booked for me'. It turned out a very great location where neighbors with British and Germany ambassadors with police on duty during day time. We love the beautiful floral garden and we had so much fun in playing ping pong. Btw, the host are really damn good at ping pong!!

  • Gennady Kurushin

    Gennady Kurushin


    The place is located in a very quiet area. The owner and his family were very welcoming and nice to us. The house itself is very good and clean, room is large, bed was comfortable. The surrounding area is good if you're interested in local atmosphere. Room is a bit too cold, kitchen need some equipment.

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