Hotel Central i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaHotel Central


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8, Ćumurija, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnien und Herzegowina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 561-800
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8579291, Longitude: 18.4259775

kommentar 5

  • Tomasz Jan O.

    Tomasz Jan O.


    I visited hotel during my business trip. Location was great - close to the "old town" and to the more business and newer part of the city. There was one missunderstunding because on the entrance doors the name of the hotel was a bit different. Reception was very helpfull and offered a wide pallette of service, which should be offered in the hotels. There was a swimming pool, gym etc. Rooms were cosy but with very comfortable beds, closet, desk and equiped bathroom. There was also specific iron for trousers. Breakfasts are tasty and offer a huge variety of dishes and drinks.

  • Greg Fulton

    Greg Fulton


    Very comfortable room. Attitude of reception, house keeping, and breakfast area attendants was first rate. They have a very nice 25 meter pool on the lower level with sauna and steam rooms.

  • Safaa Safaa

    Safaa Safaa


    super hotel mit einer große Auswahl an Fitness Geräte

  • Dragan Markovic

    Dragan Markovic


    Prostrane sobe sa najvećim kupatilom. Teretana naj bolje opremljena u celom kraju. Ime opravdano nalazi se na 2 min od Baš Čaršije.

  • Tom Fitzsimons

    Tom Fitzsimons


    Clean with helpful staff. Well located for the old City. Well within an easy stroll for food and drink. A little too "cool" for my taste but that is a personal issue.

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