Zepter Hotel i Kozarska Dubica

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Bosnien-HercegovinaZepter Hotel


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2, Svetosavska, 79240, Kozarska Dubica, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 52 424-242
internet side: www.zepterhotel.com
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Latitude: 45.1843843, Longitude: 16.8076755

kommentar 5

  • Bojan Budeš

    Bojan Budeš


    Stylish place, poor breakfast. Great wellness

  • Vladimir Bozovic

    Vladimir Bozovic


    Nice looking hotel. But watch out in winter period. Hotel do not have many geasts during winter, and heating is very poor. Heating in the rooms are just with room AC, which operate only with keycard in the room. So if you are outside the room all day, you will froze when you enter your room. Service people are polite, nevertheless.

  • Paul Simmons

    Paul Simmons


    Beautiful hotel situated right on the banks of the Una river that divides Bosnia from Croatia. I travel to Dubica every year on business and make a point of staying here. The hotel is always sparkling clean and the staff are welcoming and friendly. The rooms are well appointed with en-suites, televisions, free wi-fi and balconies. There's nothing nicer than waking to the sound of the river if you can get a room facing it. The restaurant has a great selection of traditional and local food as well as the usual favorites. There is also a salon and a gym in the hotel, but i haven't had enough energy after a days work to try either yet! The town centre is only a 2 minute walk away and the path that runs along the river bank is definitely worth a trek. Overall, this is a top class hotel with great facilities in a beautiful location. 10/10 from me.

  • Divna Zlokapa

    Divna Zlokapa


    Relaxing atmosphere accompanied with soothing river sounds. Lovely terrace, with comfortable seating. Ideal to soak up some sun and let the imagination run wild! Quality food and drinks including good wine selection. Zepter is, I would say, one of the nicest places to stay and/or socialise in Kozarska Dubica. It gathers some amazing crowds, in particular during summer months.

  • Divna Zlokapa

    Divna Zlokapa


    The service is fantastic, choice of food and beverages excellent and the overall ambience really pleasant. I stop there for a hot chocolate as it is fabulous. Its smooth and creamy texture and heavenly flavour are absolutely divine. It takes good 2-3 minutes to do it as it is hand made in order to achieve that unique texture and the flavour.

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