Tuzla Rent - Car Rental i Dubrave Gornje

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Bosnien-HercegovinaTuzla Rent - Car Rental



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Luke, 75273, Dubrave Gornje, Tuzlanski kanton, BA Bosnia-Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 61 295 294
internet side: tuzlarent.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.4691095, Longitude: 18.713032

kommentar 5

  • Dzenan Masic

    Dzenan Masic


    Korektni, profesionalni i po povoljnoj cijeni. Auto čisto, očuvano i ispravno. Sve po dogovoru. Čak smo dobili auto za klasu veće, jer dogovoreno nije bilo na raspolaganju.

  • en

    Magda Franzke


    Absolutly loved the car! We rented a car for a very good price for 3 weeks and went around the Balkan. We had no problems with the car at all and Asmir was such a great help! We even got a lift back to our accomondation! Would always go back to rent a car with them again. Thank you guys.

  • en



    When in Bosnia rent your car here, it is simple as that. Why you may ask? First, Asmir is a very friendly man that communicates good in English (rare in Bosnia). They also offer you, while arranging the car, a free bottle of water in case you are thirsty after the flight. Secondly, my car was in a fine shape and for a nice price, see picture. Thirdly, I had a big scratch on my car while traveling, see picture. 8 out of 10 times you are screwed and have to pay significant repair costs. Not here! In the end Asmir and I came to a more than reasonable compromise (hence my raving review). Asmir's main goal is to facilitate your stay in Bosnia and in my honest opinion he is doing an excellent job! Keep up the great work work, Asmir and colleagues of Tuzla Rent!

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    Daniel Getz


    By far my best car rental experience ever. The staff are amazing and so helpful, everything was quick and easy, the car was exactly what we needed and it was all at a very reasonable rate. They really went above and beyond what could reasonably be expected from a car rental agency. Compared to renting from the bigger, established car rental brands this place was many times better. If you ever need a car around Tuzla, I highly recommend renting from Tuzla Rent!

  • ASplus BiH

    ASplus BiH



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