T-tours Mostar i Mostar

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Bosnien-HercegovinaT-tours Mostar



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Onešćukova bb, Mostar 88000, Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 61 052 540
internet side: www.ttoursmostar.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.337237, Longitude: 17.814188

kommentar 5

  • Lieve Puttemans

    Lieve Puttemans


    Emir was a passionate, honest and interesting man: he showed us wonderful places (Blagaj, Počitelj , the Kravice waterfalls -wich we personaly did’n like because of the many, many tourists -) and the Tito Migs tunnels.. so interesting. He answered all our questions objectively. A tour highly recommended!!! Thanks for the beautiful day!! Lieve &Bob Belgium

  • Walter Vera-Tudela

    Walter Vera-Tudela


    Excellent day tour to get to know Mostar and its surroundings! We went there as advised by our host and we enjoyed every minute of the whole-day tour. All the guys are very helpful, knowledgeable and with a great sense of humor. Go to them when you visit Mostar and you will not regret it!

  • mimose sia

    mimose sia


    Emir is a wonderful, inspiring and open-minded person. The tour is more than just enzoing the nature, it's really important to get an insight in the complex history of Bosnia. Emir shows you a lot of beautiful places and over that tells you his story and background informations about the war and the religious community composition. it was a wonderful day and we would recommend everyb ody to join his tour! thanks! all the best, mimi and enea :)

  • Nadia Henare

    Nadia Henare


    We boooked through Viator and so glad we did, Emir was such a great guide, had great tips and was very knowledgable, he really cares about the history and explains in such an informative and non confusing way. The trips to the falls and other places were amazing, very beautiful. Humorous and informative tour, highly recommend!

  • en

    Morten Højgaard


    If you're looking for a realiable and trustworthy travel agency in Mostar, turn to T-tours. Edina, who runs the office, and Emir, guide and driver, are doing an excellent job. Highly recommended if you want to explore the beautiful surroundings of Mostar. Thanks for a really great day.

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