Stanišići Ethno Village i Dvorovi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaStanišići Ethno Village


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32, Pavlovića put, 76300, Dvorovi, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 55 350-306
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.784349, Longitude: 19.2788446

kommentar 5

  • Zoran Miladinovic

    Zoran Miladinovic


    fantastic food and drinks. great spa centar

  • בר פישר

    בר פישר


    A nice place to stay with great facilities. However, something has to be done regarding to the noise. In one of the nights there, there was a graduation party for high school In a hall which belongs to the resort, and the music was really loud. I went to the reception to ask for ear plugs, and the recepionist said that I can put toilet papers instead. The party ended at 2 am so I barely slept that nights. It's A shame that this place doesn't care about that.

  • igor92001



    amazing place...great ambient. ...even better food. ....highly recommend this to everyone. ..

  • Mia Matić

    Mia Matić


    I love this place!!! Mesmerizing nature that takes your breath away! It is very calming to go for a walk through out the whole resort... It has good food and drinks, many places for taking great pictures... You can rent a little boat and go rowing in the beautiful lakes they got there... Souvenir shop is amazing and it truly represents the Slavic culture 😊 I think you should definitely visit this Ethno Village if you happen to be in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

  • Tomislav Bozickovic

    Tomislav Bozickovic


    Great experience, beautiful professional service, comfort & clean rooms, wellness & spa - romantic look swimming pool and finnish sauna, bio sauna, 2 hammam .. different types of massages etc .. very professional stuff. If you are going to visit for the first time you will be amazed!! For sure!!! It is very interesting for kids - small train, animals, small bridges, water etc. Also it is great for sport - big football field and athletic circle for running. Amazing thing is that they have beds for more than 350 people and big .. huge hall for 850 people. All resort was made with vision and love.

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