spomen park i Doboj

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Bosnien-Hercegovinaspomen park


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Doboj 74000, Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387
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Latitude: 44.7257082, Longitude: 18.0957471

kommentar 1

  • Predrag Popovic

    Predrag Popovic


    In its anti-Serbian hysteria, the Austro-Hungarian Empire conceived, elaborated and established in Doboj in 1915 the first concentration camp in Europe. The idea of the camp was conceived by the intellectual political elite and the criminal power of the Austro - Hungarian monarchy and it was realized together with its Croats and partly Muslims. The concept of criminal camps of horrific proportions was perfected later by Hitler Germany and the Independent State of Croatia, adding to them gas chambers. Continuity of the camp continued in the war 1991-95, and the most famous are Lora, Dretelj and Tarčin ... The most important goal of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was to destroy and possibly completely exterminate the Serbian population, primarily along the border with Serbia, Montenegro and central Bosnia. This would "finally solve the Serbian question" and eliminate the "deterrent" factor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then it would be easier to proceed further. This hellish plan was consciously committed to the complete extermination of one nation and fulfilled all the conditions of the subsequent UN Convention on Genocide. Even before the war began precisely planned funds attrition Serbian nation and these are primarily: deportation, storage and liquidation of the death camps (Doboj is situated in an ideal location in central Bosnia and at the crossroads and is the largest camp in BiH); torture of hunger and thirst; courts and short-trial verdicts, suspension of prominent people; persecutions and internation; hacking; various killings; public humiliation; burning houses; grabbing stock; destroying the economy and suppressing all national characteristics ... In addition to Doboj, the people have been interned in camps: in Bihac, Brod, Pleternica, Melsdorf, Šopornjak and Arad ... In Doboj camp prisoners were housed in the former untreated and polluted horse stables, in najnehigijanskije possible conditions, where the moraine hunger and thirst, tortured in various ways, are difficult iznurivani jobs, all with the sole aim of maiming and dying. It was especially terrible in the winter of 1915, when over five thousand people were killed in a few months. There were days when one hundred people died, one day in the summer of 2016, 106 prisoners died. Children are generally not even evidenced, but it is estimated that more than a thousand have died. In April 2016, a real moron of children took place, only in that month, 643 died. The children were most often separated from their mothers and sent to the Šopornjak camp. Angry was the picture of half-naked corpses in collective hands. When the places in the Doboj cemetery disappeared, the government established a new large cemetery under the village of Pridjela. These two cemeteries are often called by the people of the "Bosnian-Herzegovinian Serb type". Those few who survived were interned in other camps, most often in Arad, where they mostly ended up. Through the Doboj prison camp, Bosnia and Herzegovina passed from December 27, 1915, when the first convoy with 600 internally displaced persons arrived, and until July 5, 1917, 16,673 men and 16,966 women arrived. If soldiers and people from Serbia and Montenegro are added, then this number reaches 45,791. Just great passion and priljžnošću Vojislav Bogićevića from Tuzla are preserved following data on the number of deaths: from Gacko 174 Trebinje 239, Bileca 47, Foca 196, Sarajevo 362, Rogatica 525 ... People are most often infected patients with cholera and typhus and died of starvation, beatings and grinding. For one woman, for example, she lost six children for seven days and went mad after that. However, even in such harsh conditions, the angry people did not abandon pride. Women usually spit on Austro-Hungarian officers and soldiers, men on hangings often call Serbia, King Peter and freedom. Prota Vido Prezanin from Trebinje on the hangars prophesizes the ruin of Austria and calls to Serbia.

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