OLYWOOD i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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R446 Hambina Carina 59, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 61 069 292
internet side: olywood.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.843846, Longitude: 18.4177952

kommentar 5

  • Jannie S.

    Jannie S.


    Very nice guy with a lot of useful tips. Nice view from the mountains around Sarajevo.

  • Joren Hermans

    Joren Hermans


    Very nice place, the manager acts like you meet a far friend. It is small but cosy and you have a toilet with a view over the city. (1 side is open but still private) the bathroom is clean and you have toilet paper. The city sarajevo is a 20min walk away.

  • Michalina Jarocka

    Michalina Jarocka


    I would recommend to everyone this beautiful place with great people. Close to the center and the mountains.

  • Daniela Holzapfel

    Daniela Holzapfel


    Special place in Sarajevo with a warm and friendly atmosphere. You can have a nice walk in the city or relax in the green surroundings- as the house is up on the hill. Its a safe place to stop on your way through the country.

  • en

    Bianka Brenisinova


    Great place to stay in Sarajevo with outstanding view to the city at night. Very friendly owner Oliver and comfortable location in a good shape for baby as well! Highly recommend!

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