Motel Studenac i Trebinje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaMotel Studenac


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Melentija Perovića, 89101, Trebinje, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 59 281-581
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.7120174, Longitude: 18.3731814

kommentar 5

  • Radovan Zaric

    Radovan Zaric


    Interesting ambient of the restaurant. Tables are by the river Trebjesnica so u can watch it flow. The restaurant is 2 kilometers from the main road. Food is great and not expensive. Within the restaurant is hotel, so you can rent a room.

  • en

    Nevena Mihailovic


    It is a nice restaurant near river Trebisnjica. A 4-5 km from the center of Trebinje. Great cuisine and not expensive!

  • en



    Unreal ambient by the river, pure nature, delicious meals, good price-quality ratio. I would definitely recommend this place if you are near by Trebinje.

  • en

    Michael Carryer


    Fantastic food and very generous portions. Truly a unique location. Not that easy to find but do make the effort.

  • Nikola Kusijanovic

    Nikola Kusijanovic


    Wow, just wow. Such a beautiful place to relax and eat. Amazing food and those huge portions. Super tasty. Well cooked. Surrounding is breathtaking. The service is excellent and the prices are low. If you are ever nearby be sure to go here to feast yourself.

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