Mini Hostel i Konjic

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaMini Hostel


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Orašje, 88400, Konjic, Hercegovačko-neretvanski kanton, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 62 327 341
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.6485161, Longitude: 17.959807

kommentar 5

  • emir akça

    emir akça


    Keyfi olarak iptal etti rezervasyonu.uzak durulmasi gereken bir yer.

  • en

    admir pripo


  • 陳frank



    Here is no obvious sign, so anyone who want to stay here have to let the staff know when you will arrive, they will find you on the road.

  • en

    Laura Ross


    Great self catering facilities and very clean at a good price. Difficult to find but the staff have no problem in helping you find your way.

  • Erika B

    Erika B


    Impossible to find on your own as there is no sign, but when we rang the staff member came to find us. Totally deserted when we visited in September -there was only one other guest and we didn't see any staff after check in. I had to leave the payment with the old lady next door!! Wanted to organise activities but staff didn't answer calls or emails so we went to an agency in town. The building isn't locked and neither are the dorm doors so I wouldn't have felt safe by myself. They should at least have a lock for one of the doors. Well equipped kitchen and comfy beds with individual power points, lights and lockers. Wouldn't recommend for solo travellers, but in a group it might be okay.

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