Latin Bridge i Sarajevo

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Bosnien-HercegovinaLatin Bridge



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Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387
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Latitude: 43.857644, Longitude: 18.4289408

kommentar 5

  • Anxiety Hurricane

    Anxiety Hurricane


    Beautyful vew...

  • Ognjen Krejovic

    Ognjen Krejovic


    Historic bridge where 2-nd world war has started. Also called Principov bridge.

  • Trent Archer

    Trent Archer


    This is of course the bridge very close to where Franz Ferdinand was shot. It was interesting being near to such a historic place. The atmosphere in this part of Sarajevo is very nice and I love this city. If you're a photographer, this is a fairly photogenic spot and I think you'd be silly to not capture this bridge and the area in general.

  • Brian Jeong

    Brian Jeong


    Welll known as historical attraction but it’s inevitable to be depressed in spirits. Latin Bridge (Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian: Latinska ćuprija / Латинска ћуприја, named Principov most / Принципов мост - "Princip Bridge" in Yugoslavian era) is an Ottoman bridge over the river Miljacka in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The northern end of the bridge was the site of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by Gavrilo Princip in 1914, which became casus belli of World War I.

  • Mat Berger

    Mat Berger


    Iconic landmark or Sarajevo. No impressive by its size or by its architecture but by its significance in history. It's the place where WWI started.

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