Konzum Family Centar i Tuzla

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaKonzum Family Centar



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Bulevar II korpusa Armije BiH, 75000, Tuzla, Tuzlanski kanton, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 80 020 203
internet side: www.konzum.co.ba
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.5326269, Longitude: 18.6837209

kommentar 5

  • Dado Srkalovic

    Dado Srkalovic


    The place doesn't exist any more. It's called now Mercator Centar.

  • Mirna Muratovic

    Mirna Muratovic


    Great place to shop, drink coffee, tea or eating ice cream and lot of sweets. Relaxing with friends with free internet.

  • Nadira Puškar Mustafić

    Nadira Puškar Mustafić


    The center has a good location, which is near the the city center. It has a parking garage, but you can also park outside (in front of the center). There are two restaurants. One is a pizza place and the other one serves everything, from traditional Bosnian cuisine, to Italian (pizza, pasta), or even Chinese food. If you only want take a short break, you can do so in the center's small coffee shop. There are also several clothing stores of different brands (Springfield, Tom Tailor, Betty Barclay, Carpisa, Tiffany etc.), a big sports clothes and equipment store (Inter sport), a perfume shop and a toy store. The biggest part of the center is taken up by a big supermarket ''Konzum'', where you can buy anything from groceries to different gadgets.

  • Jasmina Aljic

    Jasmina Aljic


    This is a good place ti finde things you need in one placr. From food, clothes, pharmacy, computer equipment, nice fancy restaurant, big supermarket etc. It very good place for family.

  • en

    Mido Ka


    Modern, european-style place. Good for spending an hour or two shopping and drinking coffee. The 2 hours of free parking in the underground lot make it more accessible.

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