Kamp Orljani i Bihać

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Bosnien-HercegovinaKamp Orljani


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M5, 77000, Bihać, Unsko-sanski kanton, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387
internet side: www.aduna.ba
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Latitude: 44.8016252, Longitude: 15.9052986

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jose Sahli


    In the Leaflet of the Autocamp they promise things like: a woderful tenniscourt, Volleyball fiels and of course the lovely Una river. In the End it's just an awful place, who's far to expensive for what you get. -The Tennis Court is a real joke, there isn't even a net. - when I wanted to go to the river, there was just a field with 50cm high grass. When I spoke to the receptionist about it, he told me, that there were snakes in the grass!! There was NO Sign, or something who warned about this issue - the Volleyball field is a joke as well it's a field with 30cm flowers on it. (No net) -The Light went on at 11 p.m., two hours after it was dark. - The Place is really noisy, due to the traffic on the mainstreat, right next to the campsite. I've travelled far in my life, through Europe and Africa, and I've seen nothing like this. You pay a far to high price, for almost nothing. If they would've said that to me, when I'd arrived and they would've made it a cheaper. It would've been half that worse, but they didn't. I will never come back to this place and I can't recommend it to anyone.

  • Venčeslav Krašovec

    Venčeslav Krašovec


    Cene bivanja niso vsklajene s ponudbo na njihovi spletni strani. Enako ne upoštevajo ACSI ugodnosti, čeravno so pogodbeno vezani z organizacijo Acsi. V kopalnici ni bilo tople vode kljub obljubi, da bo to urejeno.

  • Christiaan Koppelaar

    Christiaan Koppelaar


    Naast hotel Ada is een camping terrein beschikbaar. Het is er erg rustig en stil en er is op de camping zelf weinig te beleven. Toch is het een perfecte uitvalsbasis voor tripjes in Bosnië en Kroatië. Zoals de Plivitsca meren in Kroatië.

  • Amir Halkic

    Amir Halkic



  • Senad Selimovic

    Senad Selimovic


    It's pure nature, need to visit

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