Hotel Sarajevo i Sarajevo

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Bosnien-HercegovinaHotel Sarajevo


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169 A, Džemala Bijedića, 71000, Sarajevo, Sarajevska županija, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 777-900
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8483707, Longitude: 18.3495797

kommentar 5

  • Fanta BH

    Fanta BH


    Good service,, nice accommodations, affordable prices, 10 min from center of town with car, city transport as tram takes up to 30 minutes. Bad thing about this hotel, they do not serve any alcohol drinks.

  • Frank Alfano

    Frank Alfano


    Big clean rooms. Don't let the gas station in front throw you off great place to stay.

  • Fedja M

    Fedja M


    Far from the city center, so if you want to explore Sarajevo...find something closer to central part of Sarajevo. Still, this hotel have a fine rooms, its great fpr worlshops and trainings...small conferemces. Price are in middle range, food is great.

  • alma mujkic

    alma mujkic


    Recommanded. Clean and nice place meant for business trip accommodation. It’s not in the center though. Decent variety of breakfast offer with hospitable staff. What I didn’t like though is that there is no restricted non-smoking area, making it really stuffy.

  • en

    Anel Kazazic


    Sarajevo Hotel is situated in a newer part of Sarajevo a 5 minute drive from the International Airport and 10-minute drive from the center. This modern and elegant hotel features a restaurant with traditional Bosnian dishes, a swimming pool and a gym. All air-conditioned rooms at Hotel Sarajevo are equipped with satellite and pay-per-view TV, safes, minibars and free Wi-Fi access. In front of the hotel there is a gas station Proming.

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