Golden Pub i Mostar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaGolden Pub


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Floor -1, Kneza Branimira bb, Mostar 88000, Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.3414985, Longitude: 17.8022229

kommentar 5

  • en

    Faris Begovic


    The great music, effective and fast service.

  • Luka Čuljak

    Luka Čuljak


    Great and fun place. Good prices and wide selection of beers.

  • Viktoria Nykorak

    Viktoria Nykorak


    Good music. Karaoke on Monday 😍 Perfect location. One of the great place for parting.

  • en

    James Thompson


    Unbelievably aggressive security. We got treated with an unacceptable level of hostility. Would recommend foreigners to stay clear of this sketchy joint.

  • Dil Sidhu

    Dil Sidhu


    I came here because it has music and was quite lively even on a Monday night however some of the staff are appallingly rude. I found a place by the bar and ordered a drink. Soon after a bartender stuck a reserved sign in the space I was already drinking and asked me to move. Every time I moved they did the same thing, even when I sat on a single seat next to some people who said it was free. Then they took my pint away before I had finished it making it clear that I wasn’t welcome! When I asked if I could speak to the manager I was told “No” by one of the two main (problem) waiters. I did eventually manage to find and speak to the manager and she was great and bought me a free drink. After that the 2 idiots that were giving me a hard time left me alone. I had a great time in the end, meeting some lovely, fun people, but these two guys have no business working in hospitality. Some of the nastiest and most unprofessional staff I have encountered anywhere and I’ve been to thousands of bars in hundreds of cities! I have found people in Bosnia to be very friendly, I don’t know if it’s down to racism or something else, but I was shocked at the behaviour of these two morons! Nowhere in my 5 weeks in the Balkans have I experienced such a disgusting attitude!

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