Gazprom i Prijedor

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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63, 1. maja, 79101, Prijedor, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +385 52 211 020
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.9755004, Longitude: 16.7317969

kommentar 5




    Good place for rest and coffee. Fuel is extra quality and staff so friendly

  • Bego Djuvelek

    Bego Djuvelek


    Great coffee to go

  • Edis Kadric

    Edis Kadric


    Great place, clean and always the best oil price.

  • Mihajlo Grubor

    Mihajlo Grubor


    Great gas station with coffee bar and shop. Gas is little more expensive but it's better quality then at other stations. Nice stuff, clean toilets, good shop and cafe.

  • Admir Jakupovic

    Admir Jakupovic


    The price of fuel is a little bit higher than on other gas stations in Prijedor, but the quality that this one has can not be a match to any other gas station. They also have a bar that is nonsmoking, an automated car wash for which you can obtain free washing tickets on reccuring deals while sipping fuel, a great place for coffe to go. You also have a hotel next to the gas station, where you have all the ameneties that a common hotel can offer. I preffer quality fuel over price, and that is what you can get at Gazprom Prijedor. must visit.

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