Dekanter i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Radićeva, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia-Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 263-815
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Latitude: 43.8570281, Longitude: 18.417933

kommentar 5

  • Ognjen Krejovic

    Ognjen Krejovic


    One of rare places in Sarajevo where you can enjoy in real quality sorte of vines, also in rare and great types of cheese's.

  • Arianna Briganti

    Arianna Briganti


    We‘ve been there with some friends and have been enjoying the evening until the waiter suggested us a bottle of wine -according to him-very tasty. So far we knew the average prices of what we ordered and trusted the suggestion of the waiter. Unfortunately it was a huge mistake because we found out( too late ) that he sold the most expensive bottle in the whole bar (150€) a ridiculous price specially in Sarajevo. We asked to talk to the manager and the lady in charge of the place pretended she was not the manager, ignored us and continued checking her phone. The 3 waiters came up with excuses such as: “ we cannot tell our clients the costs of the wine otherwise they feel offended” (really never heard such a nonsense)! Overall a very bad experience especially because my friends and I felt as the ‘stupid foreigners’ that it’s ok to cheat. This attitude towards foreigners is exactly what ruins the reputation of the entire city and the local tourism sector. No one apologised as what happened was perfectly normal!

  • hr

    Neven Aksamija


    Izvrstan izbor vina

  • Tamara Jovovic

    Tamara Jovovic


    Jedno od najboljih mjesta u gradu za casu vrhunskog vina

  • Ismar Hota

    Ismar Hota


    The service at this place is soooo baaad. I came by when it was raining and the staff was forcing me to leave my umbrella unattended on the outside road. They said that i cannot enter wet because they have expensive wooden floor?? The staff gave me the look and such. What a way to ruin the night. The selection of wines is not that great either. The place has potential but until the manager replaces the waiters i recommend this place be avoided.

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