Cineplexx Palas i Banja Luka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaCineplexx Palas



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Trg Krajine, 78000, Banja Luka, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 51 217-409
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.7698283, Longitude: 17.1892932

kommentar 5

  • Vladimir Radošević

    Vladimir Radošević


    The stuff is polite and the cinemas are cool too. It's fun watching movies here.

  • Bojan Zivkovic

    Bojan Zivkovic


    New cinema is rly good actually

  • Caroline Cavalli

    Caroline Cavalli


    I LOVED that cinema. First: The price is so acessible, around 2€ per session. Second: Most of the movies are with original audio with the subtitle in the local language. Third: The place is clean, very well distributed and the rooms are very confortable. I felt at home, watching good movies and in a colorful sofa and big screen. One thing that I NEED to mencionate: I had to count with the lucky of one local woman comes to buy her own ticket, which speaks English, to help me to buy my own. Unfortunatelly the attendent there don't speak it.

  • en

    aleksandra liscinski


    It is perfect place for family to spend time together, as much as couples. Staff there are polite and kind. It is comfortable, and there is enough space to sit comfortably, since there is enough space between rows. So if you are something bigger or taller it won't be a problem.

  • iatemypaintings



    Although very cute and creative, Cinema Caffe Palas maybe tries too hard doing "their thing" - the tables, old workbenches, are somewhat not practical for keeping drinks and old stereos on the walls can be described as being too much for the eye. The furniture is comfortable and there are bar sports such as darts and pool available. Toilet placement is a slight problem since it is located in the cinema and not in the cafe. The service is quick, music is nice and it is overall a good place I visit quite often to have some drinks and hang out.

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