Caffe Pizzeria Perla i Banja Luka

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Bosnien-HercegovinaCaffe Pizzeria Perla



🕗 åbningstider

30, Cara Lazara, 78000, Banja Luka, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 51 467-100
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.76269, Longitude: 17.1907215

kommentar 5

  • Siniša Mihajlović

    Siniša Mihajlović


    Great food. Personnel is nice and polite. Cosy place.

  • Radenko Ćetojević

    Radenko Ćetojević


    I will be rating this place from 1 to 10. e.g. If the price has grade 10, then that means that the place is very expensive. If the parking has grade 10, then that means that the place has a lot of parking space. If the service has grade 10, then that means that the place has awesome/friendly service. Price: 5 Parking: 6 Service: 10 This place is for This place is usually visited by locals. I would recommend this place to everyone. This place is awesome for a romantic dinner with your partner. However you can also come here with your family.

  • Isidora Ceranic

    Isidora Ceranic


    Reasonable prices of food and beverage, pleasant staff and atmosphere. Beautiful place to spend time with your family, friends and partners. They even often you delivery and leftovers.

  • Rüdiger Hoffmann

    Rüdiger Hoffmann


    Very good and nice place. The food is very good and the stuffs friendly...I will come again

  • Nino Jauz

    Nino Jauz


    Pizzeria La Perla is an excellent choice for pizza and pasta dishes. The delicacy and quality of dishes is top-notch and surely you will find something from your rich choice for yourself. La Perla is also a very pleasant place where you can enjoy any part of the day, both weekends and weekdays. Kindly staff is always at your service.

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