Banja Dvorovi i Dvorovi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaBanja Dvorovi



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M18, Dvorovi, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 55 350-626
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.806997, Longitude: 19.263813

kommentar 5

  • en

    bambi lane


    Very filthy pools. And generaly not organized. I really don't think they change water very often, because it's always filthy...

  • en



    Odlicno samo da je bolje organizovano. /// Its great but needs to be organized better

  • en

    Daniel Neidlinger


    The whole facility is great--huge, several pools, plenty of amenities. However, the polls were all dirty, cloudy and full of hair and oily surfaces, when though the cashier said the water was changed the day before. The big pool was clean but only because they were filling it while we were there, which meant it wasn't really accessible and the whole day the water was freezing, around 9 Centigrade. This please would be amazing if they actually made sure the water was clean and ready.

  • en

    Ivana Dragic


    Warm showers!

  • Bojan Petricevic

    Bojan Petricevic


    Dvorovi is located 6 kilometers from Bijeljina, and is one of the most important tourism resources Semberije. The spa complex includes five swimming pools with geothermal water, two children's pools, two recreational and Olympic swimming pool, a thermal water is used and the showers. Medical water purity is controlled by three to four times a day and the water in the pools is guaranteed bacteriological and chemical correct. At all pools are present lifeguards who are trained and licensed for this work. Within the complex are equipped sport grounds, and guests have at their disposal and a rich gastronomic offer. Pool opening hours is 10:00 to 21:00, and the ticket price for adults is 5 BAM, for children 3 KM, and after 15.00 entrance is 4 KM, except on weekends when it is also true full price.

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