Ashkenazi Synagogue i Sarajevo

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Bosnien-HercegovinaAshkenazi Synagogue



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59, Hamdije Kreševljakovića, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 229-666
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Latitude: 43.8562751, Longitude: 18.4250451

kommentar 5

  • Jenny Chelsea

    Jenny Chelsea


    Not to find entrance

  • en

    Kuri Refo


    I came on Sabatth, and it was closed

  • Aleksandar Lakić

    Aleksandar Lakić


    The Aškenazi Synagogue was built in 1902 for Sarajevo’s Jews, who began to arrive in greater numbers once BiH was occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The temple is located on the left bank of the Miljacka River, between Drvenija and Ćumurija Bridges, and was designed by the famous architect, Karl Paržik. This was the first religious object to be built in Sarajevo in the Pseudo-Moorish style. It is believed that Paržik’s designs for this Sarajevo synagogue (at that time, the third largest temple in Europe) were based on the synagogue in Budapest. Construction was entrusted to Ludwig Jungwirth and the work and painting done on the interior was carried out by master painter, Ludwig Oisner. Even after the Second World War, with the high number of Sarajevo Jews who were lost, the Aškenazi Synagogue remained the only active Jewish temple in the city.

  • Tomo Radovanovic

    Tomo Radovanovic


    Ashkenazi Synagogue in Sarajevo is Sarajevo's primary and largest synagogue and is located on the south bank of the river Miljacka. It was constructed in 1902 and remains the only functioning synagogue in Sarajevo today. There also public kitchen which was open every day except for the important Jewish Holidays. Instead of canned meat and vegetables, the kitchen uses fresh items for preparation of food and side dishes such as salad, fruits and cakes have become a part of the daily menu. Paintings and nice music create an atmosphere of a pleasant restaurant were abonents can spend memorable moment in conversation.

  • en

    Jan Kralj


    With so much history in the city, it's no surprise you have all possible religions represented. Nice architecture!

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