Андрићград i Višegrad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Mlade Bosne, 73240, Višegrad, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 66 703 722
internet side: www.andricgrad.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.7861064, Longitude: 19.2939448

kommentar 5

  • cnn beats

    cnn beats


    Beautifull city ! Real example of Serbian History.There are monuments of Tesla,King Dusan,Ivo Andric,Petar Petrovic Njegos ! There is also church dedicated to king Lazar ! This city is build by Kusturica,famous world wide director ! He is My Hero

  • en

    Adrian d62


    Andrićgrad is a town constructed by Kusturica, and is the second attraction in Visegrad after Mehmed Paša ottoman bridge.

  • Aland Galvez

    Aland Galvez


    One of the two cities created by film director Emir Kusturica. Amazing. Have to visit

  • vladimir Ćurčić

    vladimir Ćurčić


    I would like more explanation about the idea behind this project. It looks nice but without proper story it's just a mix off different buildings from different era.

  • en

    Vera Tsankova


    It is realy great! Very patriotic and contributes a lot to a deeper insight into the spirits of the hieroic people who have lived there, struggled for their freedom and national identity and continue to show to the world the greatness of their spirit and creativity

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