River Camp Bara i Blagaj

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Bosnien-HercegovinaRiver Camp Bara



🕗 åbningstider

M6.1, Blagaj, Hercegovačko-neretvanski kanton, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 61 627 803
internet side: www.camping-mostar.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.2554534, Longitude: 17.8937097

kommentar 5

  • en

    Davor Marijanovic


    Ma very good extra

  • en

    Merran Brockie


    We had a wonderful stay with Tarik at his lovely campsite in early October. Blagaj is beautiful and this campsite is very accessible - you can catch the local bus from Mostar or take a super cheap taxi. There were enough restaurants to keep us happy, plus the kitchen is great - with a gas stove and we even made a BBQ one night. Tarik was super friendly - checking in on us each day and picking fresh pomegranate for us! The camp is right on the river and is very peaceful. The bathrooms were nice and there was even an overhanging cliff area to sit under (good if it rains I guess, but we had great weather). There is plenty to do in the area, like visiting the fort or the dervish house. We would definitely recommend staying here!

  • en

    J S


    The best place to stay in this area. Peaceful, green, directly on the river - and Tarik is a friendly and good host. Enjoyed our days a lot.

  • Adi Golos

    Adi Golos


    Great place. Beautiful people and lot of beautiful nature!

  • Haris Custo

    Haris Custo


    Love the location of camp. When you are in River Camp Bara, it feels like you are miles away from civilization, in reality, you are 2 minutes on foot from Post office, shop, bars, restaurants and what not. I have already recommended Camp Bara to Jim and Tara and they loved it. Hope to see you guys again soon!

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