Hotel Grand Sarajevo i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaHotel Grand Sarajevo


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7, Muhameda Ef. Pandže, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 563-100
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8630849, Longitude: 18.399479

kommentar 5

  • en

    Job Eijlders


    Overall in terms of quality price it is maybe ok. But the rooms are old as is the hotel. It needs a fresh up. We had cheap rooms so we did t expect much but still i found an item which would be a danger hazard. The resto in the hotel is pretty good. We had twice a meal there one very good one so so but ok. Staff is not so friendly but they are helpfull. In terms of placement it depends what you need. It is closw to the trainstation and the main road in and out the city. Its quite far from the historical city but a taxi is like 3 to 4 euro and very quick.

  • en

    Elinor Hetzel-Bone


    place stunk like cigarettes but beds were decent and comfortable

  • en

    Isa Kiyat


    Attentive helpful staff. Very close to railway and bus stations. On the downside the building and furniture is a bit worn out. The hotel needs some renovation.

  • Andrea Camilloni

    Andrea Camilloni


    Great hotel in sarajevo. You can smoke inside. There is a wifi connection. Great breakfasts

  • George On tour

    George On tour


    The hotel is far away from the center and there is no easy/cheap way to get to the there. The Dinner was fine but the service not that good. What was impressive was the high amount of armed security within the hotel. The breakfast was fine. Overall the personnel was all male and the service lacks a lot (expected in a muslim community).

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