Hostel Gonzo i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaHostel Gonzo


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33, Gatačka, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 457-548
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8443702, Longitude: 18.3629729

kommentar 5

  • en

    tajul lile md ali


    Cater good for back packers & youngsters

  • L. Borges

    L. Borges


    Receptive people, good service. The internet went down but they were fast to fix it. Warming works. Room great and clean and good vision.

  • Philipp Holzmann

    Philipp Holzmann


    Good for the price. Booking per email is way cheaper :)

  • yabahero INT

    yabahero INT


    The people were very friendly, helpful and welcoming. Made us feel like we are home. The location was really great for us -located pretty much in the same distance to the center and airport and the main bus station- We walked to city center like in 40min and on our way back we took the trolleybus 103 from center and it took us just 15min to be back. We were pretty late to check in and we had no problem at all. Breakfast was very delicious and filling. Overall we had an amazing time there.

  • en

    Maciej Komorowski


    Is ok. Helpful and looking after staff . Nice place to stay. Quite far from town center.

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