Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina i Sarajevo

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Bosnien-HercegovinaHistorical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina



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5, Zmaja od Bosne, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 226-098
internet side: www.muzej.ba
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.8551285, Longitude: 18.4008762

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vesna Filipovic


    If you want to feel what is like living in the war...must visit this place and its permanent exhibition "life in war 1992-1995"

  • Blubber4444



    Very interesting, you can learn how the peopke lifed in Sarajevo during the war in the middle of the 90's. They have picture from places and buildings along the city during the war and in 2010 someone took pictures from the same spots so you can see the differences. The price is very cheap 7km which is 3,5€. If you ask me you shoumd visit the museum.

  • Jacob Sølgaard

    Jacob Sølgaard


    The whole place needs a serius renovation. Some parts of the exhibition are interesting, but the museum as a whole lacks orientation on fewer subjects, as none are show half as good as the numerous specialized museums of Sarajevo do it.

  • en

    Vitaliy Kravchenko


    The museum now has a permanent exhibition of the war 1992-1995 and how Sarajevians live there during the siege. Most of exhibits are provided by ordinary people. Very hard impressions, but will be useful for anybody who want to know the history of that war.

  • Gizem KIYGI

    Gizem KIYGI


    Great museum. Represents so many exhibitions. The permanent gallery Bisieged Sarajevo tells the story of daily life during the war in 90s

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