Hotel Hayat i Sarajevo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bosnien-HercegovinaHotel Hayat


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27, Abdesthana, 71000, Sarajevo, Kanton Sarajevo, BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
kontakter telefon: +387 33 570-370
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8617618, Longitude: 18.4329349

kommentar 5

  • Romain Rossi

    Romain Rossi


    The minimal vital is in this room, no more.

  • gregor Merhar

    gregor Merhar


    Bad smell from toilete so you can not sleep if the toilette door is open,wifi not working,small room with smal window with wierd balcon. Close to center,nice stuff. Do not recomend

  • Ana Neves

    Ana Neves


    Parking is chaotic, rooms are small and odd. It is very close to city center. Make sure to avoid last floor.

  • Ivica Lazarevic

    Ivica Lazarevic


    I was here last year, parking is too small, and stuff need to park your car. Sound isolation in room is terrible.

  • Helena Kyriakou

    Helena Kyriakou


    I believe my bedroom used to be a bathroom. It's basically a shower, there were nozzles and tiles. Our bathroom door handle was broken. The shower had no curtain or door and the shower hose holder was broken so the hose needed to be held the whole time and if put down water would go everywhere. In my room a wardrobe was blocking a big window that looked into the hallway. I could hear EVERYTHING. I could hear people speaking in the lobby as if they were next to me. I got a small blood stain on my sheet from a nosebleed I have which I couldn't wash because they turn the water off for 5-6 hours in the middle of the night!! They made up the other person's bed in the room and didn't touch mine, never mind replacing the sheets, they didn't MAKE THE BED. Unless you can't spring for better don't go here. At all.

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